Statuti e Regolamento del Pontificio Collegio Maronita
قوﺍانﻴﯿن ﺍالمدﺭرسة ﺍا لحﻳﯾّربة ﺍاملﺭرا ّﻴﯿنﻭوة نﻭواظمﻬﮭادّلﺍا ﺍالخّي
In Act of foundation of the Pontifical Maronite College in 1584, Pope Gregory XIII indicated that the aim and purpose of this foundation “was to strengthen the faith of the Maronites teaching them good science, educating them with a right and just teaching the perfect virtues Christian apostles are for publicizing the smell of piety and teaching of the Holy Church on the cedar of Lebanon and on their communities and their countries. ” Later, the same concept was repeated by Patriarch Stephen Douayhi. After 380 years, the Second Vatican Council recommends that bishops “care to send priests in special institutes, faculties or universities so that, having a higher scientific, are, by reason of the circumstances of modern society, can meet the various needs of the ‘apostolate, however, without neglecting their spiritual and pastoral formation (Optatam Totius, V, VII & 18, 22).
In light of the above, the Directorate of the Pontifical Maronite College recommends that pupils prepare the heart and mind to the service to their local church, to strengthen the faith in their priesthood and enter the service of the Mission of the Church Universal. They are not found in the College for their personal culture, but to invest their own culture in proclaiming the Word of God. It ‘true that the commitment to the study of the sacred sciences absorbs most of the time the pupils, but it is very also important that both of them alive this his duty and precious daily effort in the spirit of seeking greater truth and charity to join the work of all the men and women in the world, thus implementing the vocation to ‘building up the Kingdom.